Utilisation from research

There is a need of creating more usefulness from research findings. The research and innovation aspect has a long way to go from the first discoveries before they have commercial potential. Results often match in an international context, and that is the core of a value chain when actors are combined to move to higher technology readiness level. We can progress more by sharing experiences and learning, and apply in our own utilisation cases. This can be facilitated by training and courses.

Mikael Syväjärvi has experience in research utilisation since 2005. He has created several own spin-off companies or technology transfer, as well as supported several start-ups which have their business opportunity from research findings. More information on LinkedIn.

Mikael has created models and tools which can be useful for the utilisation and the innovators, and many years of experiences how there are synergies between technology and smart specialisation which adds extra motivation for the research utilisation to progress in European context.